02-12-2022, Islamabad: Ms. Shabnam Baloch, Country Director International Rescue Committee, Pakistan called on Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik in his office at NDMA HQs.
02-12-2022, Islamabad: Chairman NDMA Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik in a group photo with participants of Recognition Event held to acknowledge the Government & People of Japan for humanitarian support through UNICEF
01-12-2022, Islamabad: Mr. Carlos Geha, OCHA’s Head of Office for Pakistan called on Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik in his office at PM Secretariat.
30-11-2022: Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik presenting souvenir to U.S Ambassador H.E Donald Blome upon his visit at US Embassy at Islamabad
30-11-2022, Islamabad: Ms. Ayesha Jamshed, Country Director Welt Hunger Hilfe Pakistan called on Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik at NDMA HQs.
24-11-2022, Islamabad: Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik presided National Coordination Conference on Winter Contingency Plans & Preparedness at NDMA HQs
24-11-2022, Islamabad: Caroline Hancock-Ebner, Project Manager for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Swiss Development Cooperation, called on Chairman NDMA Lt. General Inam Haider Malik at NDMA HQs.